First Year Review
For my future research in the Learning, Design and Technology program, I plan to focus on embodied cognition and how it connects to individual learning processes. I am interested in learners’ gestures and how these gestures are differentiated, as the cognitive tasks get more complex. In essence, I seek to analyze the ways of thinking among young learners as they move from abstraction to automation, particularly in robotics education, in other words, how learners embody their learning in K-12 STEM environments. Over the course of this year, I have had a variety of research opportunities that prepared me for the research area I want to specialize in: (1) analyzing of 4th grade robotics curriculum implementation process (2) writing a journal article about the learners’ gestures embodied through the 4th grade Robotics workshop (3) discussing embodied cognition with Dr. Kopcha extensively. On the other hand, I have grown my hard skills in technology use by gaining experience in different programming languages and e-learning authoring tools. I also had the chance of exploring various theoretical frameworks within the history of the LDT.
Here are the scholarly contributions of the year:
Conference Presentations
Kopcha, T. J., Ocak. C. (Under Review). The Embodiment of complex thought processes through the shift from abstraction to automation within Robotics Education. AECT Convention 2017, Jacksonville, Florida.
Ocak, C., Baran, E. (Submitted). Examining the observable indicators of science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through video study. Submitted for inclusion, at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA-2017).
Manuscripts Under Review
Kopcha, T. J., Ocak. C. (In Preparation). Embodied Cognition in Robotics: A Case Study.
Ocak, C., Baran, E. (Under Review)). Observing the indicators of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in science classrooms with video-based research. Computers & Education.
Organizational Memberships
AERA Membership, Aug 2015
AECT Membership, Jan 2017
AACE Membership, Jan 2017
Proposal Reviewer
Reviewer of the conference papers of Educational Media and Technology Conference (EdMedia), 2017
Future Goals
Gaining experience in teaching embodied cognition within the consideration of design principles.
Submitting at least three articles related to my research topic each year.
Collaborating with Berkeley Embodied Design Research Lab. about my research.
Learning to analyze a data set in regard to quantitative research paradigm.